"Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind." Henry David Thoreau
Kitchen is the first mediation room to life. First I separate dishes into their size and type. I start washing with less dirty ones. I switch to more dirty ones by one by. Until the end of the same sizes I don't stop. Before bigger size dishes I clean worktop and after all I switch to saucepans and pans. I clean the worktop again, dry kitchen cloth hang them onto radiator and switch off the lights.
Laundry is the second mediation room to life. I first tidy up all dirty clothes in my room it's smarten up in a way. I put them into clothes basket and carry them two floor downstairs to the laundry.I wash them and calculate estimate finish time to get them back on time and dry them up by the dryer softly. I carry them again back to room, fold them up carefully and stow in them slowly and in an order. Especially I concern to be seated while I'm folding socks.
If I'm tired I'm aware that I wanted to be. If I'm confused or stucked in mind I consider them as a positive hindrance which may not be elevate humankind behalf of me but elevate my consciousness.
I intend to immerse in everything I do. Ethic has nothing to do with my answers to the question "Why?" I have everything to do in general to choose the way I walk and to be a change. I intend to spend time willingly without being impatient.
Miracle of the moment!..